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Road Blockers

Highest Security for Access Areas with Perimeter Protection Group

Retractable road blockers from Perimeter Protection Group are used whenever the highest degree of security is required. All our high security barriers such as deep or shallow mounted road blockers, tyre killers etc. provide utmost protection of access points to sensitive areas against unauthorised entry. Almost all products are certified according to PAS 68, IWA 14-1 or ASTM F2656 for high-security use. Our Wedge II barrier, for example, can stop a heavy vehicle in its tracks with ZERO penetration.

Your Vehicle Access Control Point protected by PPG

Our "Bouncers" for Your Security

Custom Road Blockers

Our high-security barriers and road blockers are designed to actively protect both sensitive areas and people from various threats. For this purpose, we offer a wide range of road blockers which can be customised according to specific requirements and site conditions. We will expertly support you in planning the implementation of each product to help you find the technical solution best suited for your company or organisation. After all, only on the basis of a thorough assessment of your security needs will your security solution most effective.

Certified Quality

At Perimeter Protection Group, we develop road blockers with the highest international security standards in mind. Being prepared for extreme risk scenarios ensures you are prepared for any realistic threat. The barriers and road blockers from PPG leave nothing to chance!

Highly Effective and Low Maintenance

To ensure functionality as well as low maintenance, our road blockers are controlled by PPG’s own WE-Tronic system. It offers many advantages in terms of user comfort. A variety of control options can be individually adjusted without compromising the safety functions. Please find more information about our control unit in the product information or  here.

Making Your Perimeter Protection Complete

A carefully planned PPG security system is always more than a collection of parts. It is the different components that count:

Access Products such as barriers and gates can be supplemented with a road blocker or a tyre killer to provide an additional level of security. Ultimately, only the best combination of individual elements delivers complete security for premises and people alike.


Products by PPG prove have been in use for decades wherever the most advanced technology is needed to effectively protect people and property. Find out more about the wide range of applications our security technology is designed for – and how our support provides customers all over the world with individual security solutions:

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